We're such busy people, aren't we?
There are never enough hours in the day.
What happens is...
...we start to focus on getting things done,
forgetting the vital people aspect of our work.
We can then become less communicative and
less available.
In short....
...we start losing touch with what's going on 
with our teams.
If you find yourself getting caught up in tasks,
try this approach:
Make one of your tasks talking with your people!
Yes, make it a principle that you will spend 15-
or 20-minutes every day walking around your 
business, talking, listening and connecting with 
what's happening for your team.
This will open you up to a rich seam of
information and feedback that you'd never
get just sitting in your office doing stuff!
Pretty soon...
...you'll find all sorts of problems are getting
fixed before they become an issue, just because 
you've provided the opportunity to get them 
into the open.